Laurasian Presidential Election Debates, 65,350,878 BCE

Moderator: “Let's now begin the questioning. Senator Utahraptor, your party's leader in the Laurasian Senate, Parasaurolophus, recently said the war against Gondwana is lost. A letter to the Laurasian Post calls his comments "treasonous" and says if General Tyrannosaur were alive today, he would "wipe his oversized boots" with Parasaurolophus. Do you agree with the position of your leader in the Senate?”

Rep. Senator Utahraptor: “Screeeeeeeeeeech!!!”

Moderator: “Thank you, Senator. Senator Velociraptor, you have been a long-time proponent of the controversial theory that dinosaurs are the actual descendants from smaller reptiles. Some have stated that this theory, sometimes referred to as intelligent selection, should be taught alongside the more commonly accepted principle of spontaneous generation. If elected, would you propose equal time for both theories in our public schools?

Dem. Senator Velociraptor: “Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!!”

Moderator: “Senator, time. Thank you very much. Senator Utahraptor, you have stated that you strongly support slashing the what you have called the "irresponsibly wasteful" budget of our national space program in order to provide the much-needed additional funds for both social programs and the war in Gondwana. Do you believe there will be negative repercussions to abandoning those core-sciences for more terrestrial concerns?

Rep. Senator Utahraptor: “Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!!”

Moderator: “Senator Velocriaptor?”

Dem. Senator Velociraptor: “Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!!”